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Critical Thinking For P.E.A.C.E. (CTP) is a fiscally sponsored organization which brings Rwandan youth, of the generation after the genocide, together for different programs which promote peace sustainability, social cohesion, empathy, and cultural celebration and preservation.


Co-founders Julia Lisi, Ian Manzi, and Derrick Murekezi are passionate about creating the next generation of critical thinkers who understand their role in sustaining peace in their communities. In Rwanda today, there exists a divide of two generations; a generation that lived through and survived the genocide against the Tutsi, and one that was born after the genocide. The former generation fought selflessly for the peace that Rwanda enjoys today, while the latter has lived and enjoyed the fruits of the peace that the former laid out, almost as though it is a birthright. While this is not a completely wrong perception, it is also true that one who forgets past mistakes is prone to repeat them naively.


CTP's first program is our annual Youth Peace Camp, a week-long camp which brings Rwandan youth from across the country together to learn in depth the history of Rwanda with a special focus on the 1994 Genocide Perpetrated Against the Tutsi. This camp is taught by experienced teachers of Rwandan history and peace-building in Rwanda and internationally such as Aegis Trust, Never Again Rwanda, the Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace and The Commission for the National Commission for the Fight Against Genocide.

The second program provided by CTP is our annual Umurage Nyawo (True Legacy) Cultural Concert. Umurage Nyawo is a cultural initiative that focuses on celebrating Rwandan musical legends, and highlighting their contributions to society through traditional concerts. By hosting a concert performed by some of Rwanda’s most talented artists, Umurage Nyawo brings both
young and old together to celebrate for a cause, by donating all proceeds to identified social initiatives.


To cultivate and empower a movement of the next generation of proactive citizens and peace-
builders. We aim to teach these future leaders how to employ critical thinking and compassion to
solve some of the most pressing challenges in both their personal lives and communities.

To empower our alumni to take up the mantle of peace-building, establishing these standards and
practices in their communities, as Critical Thinking for P.E.A.C.E furthers this training throughout the world.


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